Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'm all grown up

Since I have been done Student Teaching I have been looking at teaching jobs and because I live in a kind of small town, there aren't too many Science Teaching positions open.  There were a couple at the Middle School here, but I didn't catch them in time, and, to be honest, I really don't like teaching Middle School aged kids!  I've tried and they are a little too immature for me!  Anyway, I had given up all hope when I happened to look last Wednesday and there was a position open and it was EXACTLY what I was looking for!  Part time, science, at a High School.  Perfect!  So, I ran around that day getting everything that I needed to apply for it and the next day I went and turned in my application. 

I didn't think I would get an interview until the next Wednesday or so, but they called up on Monday and set up an interview for that afternoon.  I was so nervous!  I spent the rest of the morning brushing up on my teaching skills and philosophy and looking up interview questions that they may ask.  There are some tough questions out there!  The interview went well.  Thankfully they didn't ask the tough questions that I was dreading.  I actually Student Taught with one of the interviewers, which made me even more nervous (not that I didn't like her, but that I knew her and she was helping interviewing me!).  I walked out feeling ok, but over analyzing everything that I had said (that is just what I do).  I called Clint and told him a play-by-play of how the interview went.  Clint told me to stop worrying and that I did great (he really is the best husband ever!).  So, I made up my mind that I didn't get the job and to stop worrying about it (for me, this is the only way to stop thinking about something). 

Well, this morning one of the interviewers called and asked some questions on specific classes I had taken and then told me that I only needed one more class and I would be qualified to teach Earth Systems (which was one of the classes they needed a teacher for) and asked if I would be willing to take that class this summer if it meant I would get the job.  I said yes, and she said thanks, we will let you know our decision.  That made me so nervous!  I was fine until that phone call!!  Anyway, I went to the library to look up that one class to see if it was offered this summer at the University and it is.  But, I didn't want to sign up for it if I wasn't going to get the job.

And then I got a phone call from the principal at the High School and she offered me the job on condition that I take that class, of course.  AHHHH!!!!  I said I accepted it and I would take that class this summer.  I was shaking so hard I could hardly hold the phone.  I know this is a very long story, but I need to ramble to someone, and Clint is at work and I have talked his ear off enough these past few days while he has been at work (hopefully he doesn't get in trouble!). 

So, I am officially a high school science teacher!  It feels good to have gone to school for so long and work so hard for something and have it finally pay off.  One of my dreams is finally coming true.  And, yes, I know it's weird to dream about being a science teacher, but that's just me.  I am a nerd and proud of it!