Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Easy Banana Cream Pie

I love, love, LOVE Banana Cream Pie!  On Sunday I really wanted one, so I figured I could just make one without a recipe and with whatever I had on hand.  It actually turned out really good!  Here is what I did:
1 package Banana pudding
1/2 of 8oz cool whip
1 graham cracker pie crust
1 3/4 c Milk
2 bananas (more if you want!)

Cut bananas into pieces and place on bottom of pie crust.  I bought my pie crust at the store because it was more convenient, but you can easily make your own with graham crackers and butter or with vanilla wafers.  Wisk banana pudding and milk together for about 1 min, just to get it all mixed.  Mix in cool whip.  Pour mixture onto pie crust and chill for at least an hour. 

Clint LOVED this pie, and actually asked me to make another one for later that night!  I would have taken a picture, but I was enjoying it way too much and by the time I thought about taking a picture, it was all gone.  Oh, well...  Let me know if you have a better recipe; I am always up for a good piece of Banana Cream Pie!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Everything and Anything

This past month or so has been quite busy for Clint and me!  I guess I will start with the sad stuff and move onto the more happy stuff.  I have to warn you this post is a little long!  But, atleast there are pictures :)

My Mom's Mom, Barbara LaRue Zwhalen Lambert, passed away on June 5, 2010.  It was a little expected, but still very hard.  She was staying with my parents the past 6 weeks or so, so that is where she passed away.  She was born on January 18, 1922 so she lived a long and productive life.  She served in the Marines as the head cook and married my Grandpa who was in the Navy at the time.  Together they had 9 kids with 8 of them still living.  This made for some very fun and very large family get togethers!
I love my Grandma very much.  She taught me to always be kind to others, love everyone, stay faithful in the gospel and to work hard.  She would always ask how I was and what I was up to and she would listen even though at times I'm sure it was kind of boring! 

My Grandma was very beautiful, I think, even when she got older.  I think that this picture is from right before my Grandpa and her got married.

My Grandma and me. 
My Mom and Dad were in school and going to work right after I was born and so my Grandma took care of me often, even when she broke both of her ankles!  She was amazing!

My Grandma and Grandpa
It's a little hard having so many deaths in my family in such a short time.  I feel like everytime I turn around someone else is getting old and starting to die.  I don't like dealth; I never have.  I especially don't like funerals and I wish that I could never go to another funeral again.  It's not that they are horrible, it's just that I tend to remember each and every funeral I have ever been to and the feelings that I felt at each one.  I also tend to cry when I see or hear someone else crying and I don't like crying.  My eyes get red and puffy, my nose runs and I talk funny.
  One Sunday in Relief Society we were talking about the Plan of Salvation and one sister commented on how she loves how she can go to funerals and be happy because she knows that there is life after death.  I wanted to comment and almost disagree with her, but I didn't because I didn't think it would have been appropriate.  Yes I know that I will see my Grandma, Grandpas and Aunt again, but that doesn't make it any easier for me to have them pass away.  I am happy that they are healthy, but I'm sad because I don't get to see them for what feels like a long time.  Death is never easy, no matter how much you know or how strong your testimony of the gospel is.  I know this sounds a little selfish and very childish, but it's just how I feel. 

Anyway, now onto something much more happier!  Clint graduated and now has his MBA!  I am so proud of him!  It feels so nice to finally be done with school and have him home at night.  The only problem is that now that he's home at night, I have to actually cook something for dinner...

Clint with his Master's hood.  I was so jealous!  Someday I want to get my PhD.  I love school and Clint doesn't really care, so it's kind of funny that he is the one to get his Master's and I'm not.  But, someday, when we have more money, hopefully I will.

My sister, Jessica, graduated from High School! 
This makes me feel so OLD!  I remember when she was born and when we hated each other.  Now, she is one of my best friends.  I think my parents were smart to have us share a room when we were younger, although at the time I wanted to runaway!  We would stay up late talking and just being goofy.  I am so proud of who she has become and everything that she does.

My youngest brother and sister have graduated from Elementary school. 
They are so ready to move onto Jr. High!  This makes me feel even older.  I remember my Mom telling me she was pregnant and going to the doctor and learning that my Mom was going to have twins!  I am so glad they are my brother and sister!  Spencer is so funny he cracks me up every time I talk to him.  And Emily is so nice and good with animals.  If you ever want to know what kind of dog is what, Emily will know.  She loves animals; anything and everything about them!

Clint decided to play Soft Ball with the bank on a city league and has liked it so far.  The only down part to it is that they haven't won a game :(  Although, they have been close twice!  But, he has fun doing it.

We put in a garden!  This picture is of our raspberry plants.  Clint LOVES raspberries and so when a lady at his work offered us her raspberries plants (she can't take care of them anymore) Clint was so excited!  He talked about it for weeks!  We were a little nervous that they wouldn't make it because of the shock of them being transplanted, but out of the 50 plants we got (yes, 50...) about 47 of them are starting to come alive!  We don't think we will get raspberries this year, but next year we will have a TON. 

My sisters and brother came down over Memorial weekend and helped us put in our garden and to have some fun.  I haven't taken a picture of it yet, but it is a lot bigger than I expected!  We planted corn, tomatoes, onions, zuchinni, and squash.  We really hope something will grow and we get atleast one tomato!  This is our first time planting a garden, and we sure are learning a lot.  Don't worry, we didn't make my siblings work the entire weekend.  We also went shotgun shooting, had a Bar-B-Q, played games, and visited the cemetary (my family does that every year so we had to).  We loved having them here.  It was nice to have a full house for once.