Thursday, December 18, 2008
O, Christmas Tree!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Up Date...sorta
Because I'm not on my computer right now, there won't be any pictures, but I wanted to write here it goes...
Clint and I have just been going to school, working, and then going to school some more. Clint loves his job at the bank, and I love working at the school. So, for now, we love our jobs! School is a whole other story... For me, it's a love-hate relationship.
For Thanksgiving (which is the best holiday EVER...really, any holiday that is based around food is the best) we went up to PG and spent it with Clint's family. It was so fun seeing everyone, especially all the kids. It's crazy how fast they grow up! But, it also reminds Clint of why we don't have kids right now : )
I went over to my parent's house Thanksgiving night while Clint played XBox to look at the ads (Clint doesn't care). It's one of my family's traditions. My Dad gets 4 or 5 newspapers with all the ads in them, and we all look through them to see if there are any good deals in them. The reason why he gets so many of them is so that the younger kids (and maybe some of the older ones, too) can cut out what they want for Christmas, plus, there are 8 of us looking through them all at once. I'm sure you can imagine the madness. We have been doing it for as long as I can remember, I couldn't pass it up this year! I was a little disappointed in this year's ads...not a whole lot of good stuff (there were actually better deals online, you just had to look a little!)
My sister came back down with us after Thanksgiving and stayed with us for the weekend. SO MUCH FUN! But, since I do have pictures of that, I will save it for another day.
I think that's about it. Our life is pretty boring, especially around finals time (which is next week, ahh!)
Happy Holidays!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Summer Pictures!
Clint and I infront of the fort ready to go inside!
The courtyard inside the fort...kind of cool!
This is the kind of dress they used to wear! They sure were short...
This Summer Clint and I went to St. George quite often...But, these are all the pictures we got...kind of pathetic, I know!
Clint and I infront of the St. George Temple goofing always!
A more appropriate picture of Clint and I in front of the Temple.
Clint's top lip swelled up!
(he really has grapes in his mouth...)
We hope everone had a GREAT summer! Good luck this fall in school, work or whatever you are doing!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Weekend Trip
Grandma, Grandpa, Tiffany, and Clint sitting around the's just what we do when we are there! The table is where all the talking and fun takes place. You'd think we'd go into the living room...
Now you can see where I get my goofyness Grandparents!